
CTV & OTT Explained

Two terms have gained significant prominence in recent years: CTV (Connected TV) and OTT (Over-the-Top). These two acronyms represent a shift in the way brands reach and engage with their target audiences. Today, we'll dive into CTV and OTT, explaining what they are and why they matter in today's marketing strategies.

Understanding CTV and OTT

Connected TV (CTV) refers to any television that can be connected to the internet, allowing users to access content beyond traditional cable or satellite channels. CTV includes smart TVs, streaming devices like Roku or Apple TV, and gaming consoles. Essentially, CTV offers a bridge between traditional television and online streaming services.

Over-the-Top (OTT), on the other hand, represents content that is delivered over the internet, bypassing traditional distribution channels like cable or satellite. OTT content can be accessed through various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and desktop computers. It includes streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and many more.

The Rise of CTV and OTT

The popularity of CTV and OTT has surged in recent years due to a combination of factors

Consumer Choice: CTV and OTT allow viewers to select content according to their preferences. They can choose from a wide range of streaming services and watch on-demand, leading to a more personalized viewing experience.

No Geographical Boundaries: With the internet as the delivery mechanism, CTV and OTT have no geographical limitations. Marketers can reach global audiences with their content, potentially expanding their customer base.

Data-Driven Targeting: CTV and OTT platforms offer valuable data on user behavior, allowing marketers to better target their advertising efforts. This precision targeting can lead to higher conversion rates and a more efficient use of ad spend.

Ad-Free or Reduced Ad Experience: Some platforms offer ad-free viewing for a subscription fee, while others have shorter, more engaging ad experiences. This creates opportunities for marketers to connect with users in meaningful ways.

The Benefits for Marketers

Now that we understand what CTV and OTT are and why they're popular, let's see the advantages they offer for marketing strategies

Precise Targeting: CTV and OTT platforms collect data on user preferences, allowing marketers to create highly targeted ads. This results in a more efficient allocation of advertising resources.

Engaging Ad Formats: These platforms often support interactive and engaging ad formats, such as clickable ads and interactive video content, making it easier to capture viewers' attention.

Cross-Device Reach: With CTV and OTT, brands can reach consumers across multiple devices, ensuring their message is delivered consistently to a broader audience.

Measurable Results: Marketers can easily measure the impact of their CTV and OTT campaigns through metrics like click-through rates, completion rates, and conversion data, providing insights for optimization.

Cost-Effective Advertising: When compared to traditional TV advertising, CTV and OTT can be a cost-effective option, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.


In the digital age, where consumers have the power to choose what content they consume, CTV and OTT have emerged as game-changers in the marketing world. These platforms offer precise targeting, engaging ad formats, and measurable results, all while reaching audiences on a global scale. To succeed today, businesses must consider integrating CTV and OTT into their strategies. By doing so, they can engage with their target audiences more effectively, drive conversions, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Conatct NMY to see how we can use CTV & OTT to enhance your marketing strategy!


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